What happened to all the Effects!?!

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by XvBaseballkidvX, Sep 26, 2013.

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    Hello everyone!

    I recently updated all of my plugins for 1.6.4 compatibility and noticed that most of the cool effects that I was using have been removed! Etc: WITCH_MAGIC, FIREWORKS_SPARK

    I was wondering, do you guys think that we will ever be able to get them back? Or is there another way that that we could still get those effects?

    Thank you for reading! :D
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    I use the Bukkit 1.6.2 jar because most of the times its capable
    So it works with 1.6.2
    And 1.6.4
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    jay275475 I updated my testing server with the 1.6.4 craftbukkit.jar and used the 1.6.2 Effects plugin I made. It throws an Unknown Class Exception: <Insert removed Effect Type here>. Or atleast something like that.
    I just hope eventually we will be able to use the Old effects again! Thank you for your response!
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    If you really can't do this just send packets?
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