The Hidden... BIG AWESOME IDEA!!

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by jsprouts, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Fun

    Suggested name: The Hidden

    What I want:
    If you have ever played The Hidden then you would know what this is. Otherwise, this is it:
    The Game:
    - There are 2-8 people on a game.
    - One of them is The Hidden. The Hidden is invisible except for a blur where he is and he has faster walking and can jump really high by clicking the middle mouse button. He can also throw objects. He has limited jumping: there is an energy bar that he uses up, but will regenerate. He can also cling to walls which will use up his energy bar. All he has is a knife and 3 grenades. The grenades make people move slow and have weird vision for a couple seconds. The knife is a 2-3 shot kill. If he right clicks it will become a pig stick which is a one shot kill, but is slow to use and only usable about every 10 seconds. If he dies the IRIS win.
    - The rest are the IRIS. The IRIS have a choice between a couple of weapons. They can only have one primary, one secondary, and one equipment. Once they die they are out of the game.
    • FN2000 Assault Rifle-Medium Firing Rate and Medium Damage
    • FN P90 Sub Machine Gun-High Firing Rate and Low Damage
    • Remington 870 MCS Shotgun-Slow Firing Rate and 1-2 Shot Kill
    • FN303 Less Lethal Launcher
    • FN FiveSeven Pistol-Semi-Auto and Low Damage
    • FNP-9 Pistol-Semi Auto and Low Damage
    Equipment (Might not be possible)
    • Laser Aiming Module (LAM)-Laser pointer on gun and will not go through the hidden
    • Flashlight Module-Flashlight
    • Light Amplification Goggles-Night vision
    • Sonic Trip Alarm-Activates a noise when a player goes through it
    • Adrenaline Shot-Extra Speed
    -The Hidden has 10 minutes to kill all the IRIS or he loses.
    How I want it to be made:
    -2-8 Players in a game. Game starts with 4 people or when half the people in the game vote.
    -The Hidden has potion effects to indicate where he is.
    -Energy Bar is on the experience bar.
    -Grenades are the experience level.
    -The pigstick will say something in chat for everyone in the game to see when you activate it.
    -Give the slow hit effect only for the pigstick.
    -The grenades will give people a drunken effect and slowness 3 for 3 seconds.
    -Obviously have guns or an extra plugin to download for guns and include all the above ones.
    -Have a chest API for choosing the class. First primary, then secondary, then equipment.
    -Not sure if some of the equipments will work, but the ones that will (without lag) should be added.
    -Adrenaline shot adds a speed effect of 2.
    -Light goggles give a night vision potion.
    -Everyone has one life.
    -Game signs to join the game(status and player count)

    Ideas for commands:
    Player Commands:
    -th vote-Votes to start the game.
    -th join {arena}-Joins an arena
    -th leave-Leaves an arena
    -th class-Allows to change the players class. Takes effect the next game.

    Admin Commands:
    -th start {arena}-Force starts an arena
    -th stop {arena}-Force stops an arena
    -th create {arena}-Creates an arena and selects it
    -th set hspawn-Sets The Hidden's spawn
    -th set ispawn {number}-Sets the spawn of the IRIS and allows for random spawns
    -th delete {arena}-Deletes an arena
    -th set lobby-Sets the pregame lobby
    -th set leave-Sets the location you go after the game

    Ideas for permissions:
    Player Commands: to start the game.
    -th.join.{arena}-Joins an arena
    -th.leave-Leaves an arena
    -th.class-Allows to change the players class. Takes effect the next game.

    Admin Commands:
    -th.start {arena}-Force starts an arena
    -th.stop {arena}-Force stops an arena
    -th.create {arena}-Creates an arena and selects it
    -th.set.hspawn-Sets The Hidden's spawn
    -th.set.ispawn {number}-Sets the spawn of the IRIS and allows for random spawns
    -th.delete.{arena}-Deletes an arena
    -th.set.lobby-Sets the pregame lobby
    -th.set.leave-Sets the location you go after the game

    I understand this plugin will take a long time. I am okay with that.
  2. Offline


    CaptainWalrus likes this.
  3. Offline


    Ok. Now that we have the idea, we just need a programmer.

    Would you be up for it?
  4. Offline


    I am a programmer but ain't no way I coding this big of a plugin! I have 2 jobs developing for 2 servers. D:
  5. Offline


    Okay, thank you anyways!
  6. Offline


    I'll do it.
  7. Offline


    Thank you! That is great.
  8. Offline


    Not a problem! I'll see if I can get it done within the next week or so.
  9. Offline


    That'd be awesome! I didn't think this plugin could get done so fast.
  10. Offline


    This has already been done before so not really your idea but I believe they are private plugins the ones out now but there might be one didn't check
  11. Offline


    Why would you bump when KedalionPlugins said he would get it done in a week or so..
    KedalionPlugins and SniperBrob like this.
  12. Offline


    I just want to state this, if you are bumping or keep asking the guy who going to make this, keep this in mind.
    This is not easy, creating the code for each guns will be hard and all the other stuff you have asked for. so if he say 1-2weeks it may be longer.
  13. Offline


    True. I've been busy with school too so it may be longer. Plus, the debugging process takes a while.
    CaptainWalrus likes this.
  14. Offline


    Sorry, it wont happen again. Also, you can take as long as you want.
  15. Offline


    He knows he can, us developers are on our own time. ;)
  16. Offline


    What about hooking into/using some of CrackShot's guns? That would save a heck of a lot of time.

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