Factions 2.0.5 and territoryProtectedMaterials

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Kipperlenny, Aug 26, 2013.

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    Factions 2.0.5 still has no territoryProtectedMaterials has it?

    How can I enable the use of wooden doors f.e. with Faction 2 ?
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    territoryProtectedMaterials seems to be 'on hold' since 1.7
    You can allow door usage with /f perm <faction> DOOR <relation> yes
    Where <relation> can be leader, officer, member, recruit and ally
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    Yes - but thats not what territoryProtectedMaterials did ;)
    I want to allow the enemy to use wooden stuff (chest, door) and a few other things (tnt f.e.) -> as long as the Faction is online.

    The Factions 1.6 hat territoryProtectedMaterials and territoryProtectedMaterialsOffline -> made Rading more interesting!
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