Plugin to link server chats together

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by iPodHacks142, Aug 21, 2013.

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    I need a plugin that will link the chat of 2 servers together so when you say something on one of them, it says it on the other as well. I tried the plugin ServerLink but it doesn't really work very well. Is there another plugin for this? If not can someone make it?
  2. Offline


    When you say servers, do you mean separate Bukkit servers or worlds?
    EDIT: Seeing as people are thinking I'm an idiot right now I'm going to clarify and point out some people don't always say what they mean.
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    aredherring He clearly mean servers.. worlds are linked in chat anyway -.-
    snivell and megasaad44 like this.
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    Well, I wouldn't know that as I'm just a developer, I've never run two worlds simulatenously.
    If you are talking about two separate servers then you need to have a common "view-point" of messages.
    One of the more common usages of this is XMPP. I'm happy to give it a shot if you can confirm that this is indeed what you want.

    You can also use MySQL for this, but XMPP is more common. Let me know and I'll see what I can do.

    EDIT: How does ServerLink not meet your needs?
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    Edit: Ninjad by aredherring meant to point this toward the other dude.
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    It doesn't work properly. Whenever I type something on 1 server is comes out with something like this: <$%c£>
  7. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Report that bug?
    aredherring likes this.
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    Report the bug and see if it gets fixed. If it doesn't then please let me/us know in this thread and I'll write the Plugin for you. No need to re-invent the wheel otherwise.
    jtjj222 likes this.
  9. Doesn't BungeeCord automatically do this?
  10. Offline


    I don't know why no-one's really took no intrest in your post. I do believe imalo from mc-sg developed a 'plugin' with double0negative so they can cross server chat and have /glist and all sorts. The next thing bungeecord needs is cross server management. So the ability to share the same data and plugin with 2 servers or the chat.
    I think someone could make something like that, it'd be a bit of work, but'd pay off.
    I do think this post needs more intrest, not mainly for the cross server chat, but for cross server management.
  11. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Mranony924 We don't really support bungeecord or lilypad, so that would be on the spigot forums
  12. Offline


    I don't believe so.
  13. Offline


    I understand that, I was just stating some new bungeecord software would be nice
  14. Offline


    Locked. We don't support or develop for BungeeCord.
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