Dynamic signs help

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by gamer1097, Aug 4, 2013.

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    Hello i'm very familiar with creating teleporting signs and kit signs with bukkit with the right click event and such but does anyone know how to do dynamic signs (The text on the sign can update)
    For instance like a leader boards sign? or to get the amount of players online?
  2. Offline


    just set the text data on an existing sign to what you want it to change to
  3. Offline


    Could you write an example like for a sign that get the online players and automatically updates.
    so It wold be like 5 players online
  4. Offline


    Search the forums on how to edit the lines in a sign. Then use Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers to get an array of players on the server. Any more help would be spoon feeding :p
  5. Offline


    I know how to do all that what your not getting is that the text on the sign wont update!
  6. Offline


    Try sign.update();
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