Breaking blocks and hitting mobs are delayed on my bukkit server!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by TrollingNewfie, Aug 1, 2013.

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    I have a pretty good pc that should be able to run a server without delay. its even delayed with 3 people on the server with no plugins added. My friends pc is worse than mine but still has no delayed for the first 15 seconds and then its good but when u die its delayed for another 15 seconds. this problem is only happening to other people since im hosting the server! Plz help
  2. Offline


    There are many factors that go into running a server smoothly and it really has nothing to do with how good your pc is. Connection is and how much ram you're actually using are huge factors.
  3. Offline


    yea i have 8gb of ram on this pc
  4. Offline


    What about your internet connection though? Do you have adequate internet connection to support your players? How fast is it in Mb/s for upload?

    Are you dedicating your server enough RAM in the startup command?
  5. Offline


    That doesn't mean you're using all of it.
  6. Offline


    no but i allowcated from 1 to 5 and inbetween.. is it my internet because im getting fiber op soon
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