What Plugins do I need to stop Xray players?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by NJS96, Jul 25, 2013.

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    I'm looking for a way to stop xray players. I want something light weight that will log the ores people mine, notify admins when they mine ores and have a log of how many ores that player has mined. I know if I use orebfuscator I won't have to worry about looking through logs. However I don't want other players to get mad and leave because of lag caused by it. I just want to quietly and quickly get rid of X-ray players

    Thank you for your help! :D
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    Orebfuscator (from the same person who also has written the AntiXRay thing for spigot (as far as I know): they basicly work the same way: by modifying each outgoing chunk data packet), or for a complete different attempt to face X-Rayers: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/anti-x-ray/
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    Downside of Orebfuscator is, it need lots of CPU time. So a server might not be able to handle it without lag.
    So it might have a negative impact on the game for honest players, just to defend against only a couple of xray users.

    An alternative would be something like "XRayInformer".
    It uses the LogBlock database to make a statistic of players ore mining in relation to cleanstone mining, and if the ratio of stones:eek:res is going to be unrealisticly in the direction of ores, it will show you which players have a very high rate.
    Downside of this is: You have to query the data from time to time manually and if you found some suspect player, you might judge him with the high farming rate, or what we do on our server: If we found a possible xrayer, we check his farming by using a logblock query for a specific ore.
    If he found diamonds every couple minutes or so, he is 100% using XRay.
    It needs manual intervention and a running LogBlock database, but if checked regularerly, it will find those xrayers without eating up your ressources.
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    I use Orebfuscator and Anti-Xray on my server. Seems to work just fine. Oreby is using mode 1 so it's low overhead. And Anti-Xray limits the amount of diamonds a player can mine by the hour or by other blocks mined. Initial balance is negative in Anti-Xray so it prevents griefers from just logging in and mining right away. A "normal" player doesn't even notice it as playing legit doesnt set off the triggers.

    I am also running FoundDiamonds from 1.4 something. Still works. I have it log and announce to all if players find ores. If someone is xraying they keep finding diamonds and someone will usually mail me or of a Mod is on they will ban them for hax.
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    NJS96 - orebfuscator. I've found block limits are a bit frustrating to players who do play legit if the numbers aren't tuned adequately. Players could also xray up to the limit drastically reducing the time it takes to find ores and thereby still having an advantage.

    Orebfuscator forces players to modify their xray to not include any block used (on engine mode 2) while xray is still somewhat possible with engine mode 1 as blocks near open areas are still not obfuscated. So xray can still be used to find bases (engine mode 2), but its quite useless to find ores or valuable blocks. That's ideal, to me.
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    I have Prism installed for logging/rollback. It also has real-time warnings when players find ores and includes the lighting level. e.g., "Player Bobcat00 found 6 gold ore, 10% lighting level." So that might work for what you want.

    I had a bigger problem with people using xray to find dungeons, spawners, etc. Unless I suspected someone or just happened to be looking at the logs of what he did, I wouldn't know. e.g., someone complained that a player griefed his base, but when I started looking at the Prism logs, I saw the other player found 3 dungeons in 5 minutes! If I didn't look, I never would have known.

    I don't use Orebfuscator because I don't have the time to do the fine tuning.
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