Weapon Selection Inventory [Please Help]

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Shasfa, Jul 26, 2013.

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    Hello BukkitForums, I need to know how to add in a weapon selection function. Basically this is what I need it to do. I would need it to let players open a inventory by typing "/revamp select" and it would open an inventory screen with 9 slots. Then from there you can click on a weapon (Rail Gun, Blaster, Rocket Launcher) once you click on a weapon it would set a variable to allow the player once in the arena to have that weapon. The one they selected. Thanks if you guys can help me out with this.
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    Shasfa Do you even know java? No offense. And here
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    No offense taken, and yeah. I'm starting to learn it. At least this forum isn't like others and they just yell "SKID!"
    EDIT: Thanks for the tutorial! :D
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    Here is another video that explains custom menu's
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