Custom Chat Commands

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Mr_B3n, Jul 25, 2013.

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    I believe there use to be a command that did this however i am unable to find it so i assume it has been shut down. So here I am posting a request for a similar plugin.

    Pretty much this plugin I would like it able to let the server administrator set custom chat commands like /L(ocal) and /S(hout). These commands would be able to be customized by allowing us to set the radius the chat is heard from.

    For instance we could do
    radius: 10
    output: &2*playersname* says:
    So if I used the command
    INPUT: /l hello
    OUTPUT: Mr_B3n says: Hello

    If anyone knows old plugin please let me know I would love to use it again.
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    Mr_B3n PEX comes with a chat plugin which can do something like this. It's makes normal chat local and if you want everyone to here it you would just put a ! infront.
    "Hello" would say <prefix> <playername> <suffix>: Hello with a custom range
    "!Hello" would say <prefix> <playername> <suffix>: Hello global
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    Ok I just wanted to make shout, Whisper and change /me to local as I am starting a RPG server. Thanks Den_Store
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Mr_B3n You could use CommandHelper
    Me4502 likes this.

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