
Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Chef301, Jul 6, 2013.

  1. Offline


    So this is my plugin idea, i have come up with for my servers.


    INfo: Mineslender is a multiplayer minecraft plugin. Its the slender game developed for minecraft. There are two types of postions a player could be in while playing
    the game. The 1st position is the Haunted, the player that is hunted by the slender and has to survive for the duration of the game (4mins) and only has one life.
    The 2nd position is the Slender (Disguised as Enderman) , the slender has unlimited lives and has to kill the humans by teleporting to them. Although weak, he can teleport to one of the Haunted
    in a 10 block radius. (With his ender eye)

    The game:
    1.Players join the game and enter the pregame lobby (1m) to allow more players to join. (Max 15 players)
    2.The slender is selected at random.
    3.The players get 30 seconds to run before the slender is released (Everyone gets void darkness so they can only see 2-3 blocks)
    4.The slender is released.
    5.The slender gets an ender eye to allow him to teleport to a player. (Telports 10 blocks away)
    6.IF the slender kills all the humans the slender wins. IF the Haunted survive they win.

    Maps: (All maps made 1 block above the void)
    -Origianal Slender Map
    -Broken town

    Joining games:
    Players will join games similarly like how players join games with the survial games plugin.
    There will be a lobby spawn where all the players meet and click the signs to join or can do /join (game number)

    Ranking up system:
    -There are 5 ranks all gainable by SXP (SlenderXP):


    For the rank rookie it costs 300SXP
    For the rank Ametur it costs 900SXP
    For the rank Skilled it costs 1500SXP
    For the rank Pro it costs 3000SXP
    For the rank Master it costs 5000SXP

    Upgrading is like prestiging it costs 7500SXP to upgrade once you are rank 5 (Master)
    When you upgrade your name gets a I next to it : Rookie-I say if you upgrade twice your name would be Rookie-II
    After you have upgraded you gain a ST (SlenderTokens) To unlock special items to allow you to increase your power.

    ST list:

    SlenderBender: Not be teleported to by the slender untill 5 players have died. 1 ST
    Poisin Punch: Have a 10% chance of poisining the Slender for 3 seconds when you hit a slender. 1ST
    Ghost: If a player is a slender they are invisible for 3 seconds once they teleport to a human. If they are a human they can use an item to turn invisible for 10secs. 1ST
    Big hitter: Punching with a fist does 2x more damage than usual, but if its a critical hit, the player that hits the slender gets a thorns damage. 2ST
    Heavy: As a slender, aquire a diamond helmet instead of a leather one. And if you are a Haunted get iron boots (prot 1) insted of chain ones (Gets them on every rank) 2ST
    Speed runner: Permanent speed boost (Speed 1) 1ST
    Night Vision: 2 or 3 night vision capsules (Nether Quart) Wich gives the players a 3 second night vision boost 2ST

    Papers are Maps in item frames. There are 7 randomly spawned across a map. If you acuire one of theese in a game you gain 5SXP (Right click to aquire-can aquire 7 per game)
    If a player gets a Paper its broadcasted to the game and the paper despawns untill the next game

    Killing the slender 3SXP
    Surviving the game 4SXP
    Killing as a slender 2SXP

    Donation ranks:
    Join When full
    Acess to monthly double SXP weekends.
    More chance of becoming a slender
    Prot 1 chestplate (Perm)
    Pet in lobby

    As a human you start off with full leather (Rookie)
    Rank 2 (Ametur) Gets chain boots
    Rank 3 (Skilled) Chain leggings
    Rank 4 (Pro) Chain Helmet
    Rank 5 (Master) Chain chestplate and 1 carrot (insta eat) Heals 2 hearts.

    /join [#]
    /upgradeshop buy [#]
    /upgradeshop info [#]
    /rankinfo [name]
    /info [Short desc about the game]

    Creating an arena commands:
    /ms creategame (Creates the arena from the world edit selection)
    /ms addspawn [#] (Adds a player spawn [Max 14])
    /ms addspawn slender (Sets where the slender spawns every game)
    /ms setlobby [#] (Sets the pregame lobby for the arena)
    /ms delgame [#] (Deletes a game)
    /ms set joinsigns (From the world edit selection of the signs this allows the OP to create the join signs)
    /ms set globalspawn (This is where the GlobalSpawn is [Where you go if 1. You join the server 2.You die 3.The game ends 4.You leave a game/kicked from it)
    /ms addpaper [#] (Adds a paper for players to obtain [Spawns it in where you are looking)
    /ms set slenderlobby (This is when the 30 second running period happens, the slender gets tp'd to a room with info on how to be the slender)

    Admin Commands:
    /ms kick
    /ms addstats [StatType] [#]
    /ms removestats [StatType] [#]
    /ms forcestart [#]
    /ms forceslender [Player]

    Creating an arena:
    1.Select your region with WorldEdit
    2.//expand vert
    3./ms creategame
    4./ms addspawn [#] (Repeat 14 times)
    5./ms addspawn slender
    6./ms addpaper [#]
    7./ms setlobby
    8./ms set slenderlobby
    9./ms setglobalspawn
    10./ms set joinsigns

    Stats: This is what ingame stats would look like:
    Player: OffensiveChef
    Upgrades:3 Slender Tokens:5
    Kills: 999 Deaths:1 KDR:999
    Maps Aquired:999
    SXP: 10000
    Games Played: 1 Games Won:1 Games Lost:0
    Overall Time played : 6d 24h 43s

    Stats analasys:
    -Player (Obviously the Player Name)
    -Rank (The players rank [Doesnt show upgrades]
    -Upgrades (Shows how many times a player has upgraded)
    -Slender Tokens (Shows how many Upgrade tokens a player currently has)
    -Kills (Shows the players kills)
    -Deaths (Shows the players deaths)
    -KDR (Shows the players Kill Death Ratio)
    -Maps Aquired (How many maps a player has gotten)
    -SXP (The amount of SlenderXP a player has)
    -Games Played (How many games played)
    -Games Won (How many games the player has won)
    -Games Lost (Shows how many games the player has lost)
    -Overall time played (Shows the overall time played each player has played on the server)

    Example game (Survivor) -
    1.The player joins the game by clicking the sign or doing /join [#]
    2.A player is selected for the slender, sadly not this player
    3.After the lobby time, all the players get teleported to the game
    4.The player has the Speed Runner Upgrade so he has a speed boost
    5.The player found a Paper +5SXP!
    6.The slender trys to kill the player but the player survives and kills the slender +3SXP
    7.As the amount of players start to decrease and all the Papers have gone the only way to gain XP is buy killing or winning
    8.The player survives the whole game +4SXP
  2. Offline


    This sounds like a pretty cool idea but will take some time to do on my own, if some other developers would like to help just PM me and I'll consider helping out.
  3. Offline


    Thank you! My servers will be the official testing server so just PM me if you need anything explaining.

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