Solved If List<LivingEntity> contains specific mob?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Thej0y, May 20, 2013.

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    Hi, i'm trying to do a simple command that will return if the EnderDragon is dead.
    World world = getServer().getWorld("world_the_end");
    List<LivingEntity> livemobs = world.getLivingEntities();
          sender.sendMessage("The EnderDragon is still alive!")
          sender.sendMessage("The EnderDragon dead.")
    Will this work? Is there a way to target a specific entity or we just use its class name(as i did)? Or maybe Listing entities is a bad idea? Once again, I rely on your pro tips! XD

    Thanks :)
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    Nope. You could try:

    public boolean hasEnderDragon(){
        World world = getServer().getWorld("world_the_end");
        if(world == null) return false; // Return false if there is no End world
        else {
            List<LivingEntity> livemobs = world.getLivingEntities();
            for (LivingEntity e : livemobs) {
                if (e instanceof EnderDragon) return true;
      } return false;
    This will return if there is an Ender dragon in world_the_end. Now you can use:

    sender.sendMessage("The ender dragon is " + (hasEnderDragon() ? "still alive!" : "dead."));
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    Thanks :)
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