
Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by oneremedy, May 1, 2013.

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    Hey i'm new to the Minecraft / Bukkit Community
    I'd like to set up a Minecraft server for myself and my cousins / nephews and neices over bukkit to where we can take advantage of several aspects of the game.
    I have a 1.5.1 server set up through minecraft.server.exe but i found out its better to make it using bukkit for the plugins
    now in saying that i tried and failed many times
    I was curious if anyone would be generous enough to help me set one up
    <3 I'd really appreciate it
    I know that it is asking a lot but you would be making this girls dream come true to play a game with her cousins and nephews anyways if this topic/thread is misplaced feel free to delete or move it
    I'm sorry in advance.
    My Skype is Divinebaddie and my hotmail is [email protected]
    I'll await your info's
    the email i check frequently is [email protected] if you'd like to contact me by email. the other two above are just what i use when i sign into a messenger of sorts <3 Take care everyone and i hope to hear from someone soon :)

    can anyone help me?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2016
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    I can try to help through here! I'm assuming you've tried this guide, but could you specify where along this process you are encountering problems?
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  4. Use some kind of auto-bukkit-server-creator
    Just type in auto bukkit server creator
    and 5+ things should come up
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    1. Download Craftbukkit:
    2. Create a folder named anything you want and put your CraftBukkit.jar file inside (If the name of the file isn't "craftbukkit", then rename it to "craftbukkit").
    3. Inside the folder, create a notepad file and paste this inside:
    java -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -jar craftbukkit.jar -o true
    4. Save the file as a "start.bat" and click it. A command prompt will open and load your server, it will also generate you all the files and folders including your world, and your plugins folder.
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