Solved How to get the Output of a furnace

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by XSilver_FalconX, Apr 28, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    I'm having trouble getting this...[​IMG][​IMG]
    anyone know the code to get that output? I know there's .getFuel(); and .getInventory(); but I'm unsure as to how to get the output
    Thanks in advance
  2. Offline


    haha wow. Thanks a bunch didn't think that .getResult(); was an inventory. Thought it was a burnable check true or false. But thanks!
  3. You're welcome! Don't forget to mark this thread as solved so other users can easily find a solution if they're having the same problem.

    Edit: Also, I'd like to add that you should really use the Javadocs :p They're really useful
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