Simple Book Spawn

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by ColeBergmann, Apr 13, 2013.

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    Plugin category: Books?

    Suggested name: SimpleBookSpawn

    What I want: I would like to see a super simple extremely useful book plugin. The server administrator types /savebook to save the current book they are holding. When a user types /book, they receive the saved book. If you add messages, please allow them to be configured in the config.

    Optional: The ability to change the book author. Something like /bookauthor <author>.

    Ideas for commands:
    /savebook - Save the current book the player is holding
    /book - Receive the saved book
    Optional /bookauthor <author> - Change the book the player is holding's author to the one specified in the command.

    Ideas for permissions: - Allows /savebook - Allows /book
    Optional - Ability to use /bookauthor

    When I'd like it by: Few days if possible..

    Thanks! If you need any more info please let me know!

    Edit: When you type /savebook, the book should save to the savebook.yml allowing you to edit it at a later date without having to use the mc book system.
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    I'll give it a go :)
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    Here is the jar download: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>

    I've added support for multiple books.

    There are three commands:
    /savebook Saves the book in hand.
    /book <book> Spawns the specified book.
    /booklist Shows all books for which the user has permissions.

    The permissions work as follows:
    sbs.savebook - For saving the books - Spawning books<book> - Book based permission where book is the name of the book.
    i.e. You create a book named "rules". The permission they need is

    I've done a bit of testing on this before I posted it of course, but there is always a possibility of bugs. If you have any thing that needs to be reported to me, feel free to PM me and I will try to help you. Likewise, if you have any other related questions, please contact me.

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 7, 2016
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    amhokies Thanks! I'll check it out and let you know :)

    [quote uid=90813632 name="amhokies" post=1632007]Here is the jar download: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>

    I've added support for multiple books.

    There are three commands:
    /savebook Saves the book in hand.
    /book <book> Spawns the specified book.
    /booklist Shows all books for which the user has permissions.

    The permissions work as follows:
    sbs.savebook - For saving the books - Spawning books<book> - Book based permission where book is the name of the book.
    i.e. You create a book named "rules". The permission they need is

    I've done a bit of testing on this before I posted it of course, but there is always a possibility of bugs. If you have any thing that needs to be reported to me, feel free to PM me and I will try to help you. Likewise, if you have any other related questions, please contact me.

    Perfect. Exactly what I needed, and the multi book support is outstanding. You should post this to Bukkit Dev for all of the other server owners struggling to find a decent book plugin.

    Edit: I do seem to be encountering an issue. When the server reboots, I can no longer spawn saved books. Any fix? Thanks.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 7, 2016
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    All issues have been sorted out for anyone reading this thread in the future.
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    Steam Engines


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