Couldn't load Plugin.yml from pretty much every plugin installed.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by ColeBergmann, Apr 11, 2013.

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    Hello kind bukkit folk,
    I am trying to start my server, but when I do I get a massive amount of errors stating the plugin.yml couldn't be loaded for almost every plugin I have installed. Does anyone know if I can fix this, or if it is normal. Thanks!

    Link to server log:
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    List of plugins? Did you download them all from Bukkitdev?
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    Yes. Plugins include worldborder, plugman, worldedit, commandhelper, vault, muliverse-core, permissionsex, stargate, herochat, worldguard, essentials, essentialsspawn, potionprotect, variabletriggers.
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    Please make sure that all of your plugins are up to date. Just overlooking the first error for
    R: CommandHelper 3.3.0 for CB 1.1-R6Mar 02, 2012
    Current Bukkit Release is 1.5.1. R0.1. Most plugins under 1.4.7. will not function properly.
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