Need help on a component of my plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by psychic94, Apr 10, 2013.

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    I am developing a plugin called Activity History. It tracks player activity and reports it when commands are used. It's primary purpose is to aid admins in deciding which players to make staff based on when staff is needed and who is often online at those times.
    A few weeks ago, a suggestion was made that there should be a way to put some text into a web page that, when the page is viewed, used the text to send a query to the Minecraft server and replaced the text with the result. I have designed a way to send and receive queries remotely, but I don't know how to handle the processing and replacing of the text.
    I have determined that the best language to use for this would likely be PHP or Ruby, but I'm not good with either. I am willing to give contributor or author status as well as part of the curse rewards to whoever can make this for me. Here's how I determined it should be set up as a step be step process:
    1. When the page is loaded, it detects a certain text format.
    2. It processes this string to extract parameters.
    3. It invokes a method from the web app I have designed and stores the result.
    4. It displays the result where the string detected in step 1 would have been.
    If you would like to create this for me, post here or pm me and I will give the details.
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    wrong section of forums, TnT
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