Solved Need help with schedulers

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Tdarnell, Apr 9, 2013.

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  1. quick problem, I have no idea how to have a very simple sleep function using bukkits built in schedulers, I want to have a player.sendMessage send a few thousand ticks after the player joins, but when I have tried thread.sleep it has slept the entire server 0_o is there a simple way I can make the message wait x time before sending?? any help is appreciated ^.^ (it is not in the Main class, just incase that makes a difference :p)


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  3. Ok sorry its in the wrong place, I didn't notice. but no that does not help. I've seen that, it just confused me more.
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    Moved to the correct forum.
  5. Ok, Thanks
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    Tdarnell use BukkitRunnables:
    1. new BukkitRunnable(){
    2. @Override
    3. public void run(){
    4. //Task to run later
    5. }
    6. }.runTaskLater(<plugin instance>, <delay in ticks>L); //20 ticks = 1 second, "L" means it is a long
  8. what I dont get is if I want to send a player a message when they join, can I use this runtasklater to make it run 5 seconds after join. I though this could not be used for player messages. :S very confused by all this
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    Yes... just put that in PlayerJoinEvent and make the delay in ticks 100 (20 ticks/second * 5 seconds = 100 ticks) and send the player a message in the run() method.
  10. ok, thanks, I didn't know how to use schedulers at all, I have never had to before, I usually use the system time and a hash table to make cooldowns or time limits, never had to simply make something wait for a few seconds before running. also I don't think my usual method would work with an on join event. thanks though
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