Use only once Ex. Doors, and Trapdoors

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by calvinu44, Apr 8, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Fun, Mechanics, Teleportation, Miscellaneous, Role playing,

    Suggested name: Only used once

    What I want:
    Well I do not know exactly how to explain although I can explain it though examples.
    For example, you want your players to only be able to open this door or trapdoors once. Once they open it will open for a certain duration for about 15 seconds afterwards there will be a cool-down for about 24 hours or you can only use it once and then you can never use it again. So their choices would matter if they would to enter the door they cannot go back.

    How I would want to use this plugin:
    You stare at a block then you can use the command, so you will be able to open it once after a while.

    Ideas for commands:
    /Once (name) (duration open) (duration cool-down) or /Once (duration open)
    /Once reset
    /Once list
    /once change (name) (duration open) (duration cool-down)

    Ideas for permissions:

    When I'd like it by: anytime

    If possible: Only the player opening the door could pass though the door, or can see the door opening for a duration.

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