What parts of java do I need to know to make plugins

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Halt_The_Ranger, Apr 4, 2013.

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    Hi im just wondering what parts of java I need to know so I can code plugins also if anyone is willing to help me get started on coding plugins that would be fine too!
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    Deleted user

    Depends, the more you know the better and higher quality your plugins will be.
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    umm well are their any spoecific parts of java I should just mainly focus on???
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    The basics are good start.
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    - Syntax
    - All basic operators
    - Conditions
    - Variables
    - Constructors

    Just basic java, most of this stuff you can actually learn in Geometry
  6. Offline


    Do you guys know any place where I can learn how to code in bukkit?
  7. Offline


    TheBCBroz or the Plugin Tutorial.
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    Do you guys have any estimates on how long it takes to learn enough java to start coding plugins?????
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    Halt_The_Ranger Depends on how long you stress over how long it will take and what parts you need to know.
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    It's certainly not something you "just learn" overnight, unless of course you are well versed with other OOP languages. My advice: if you are really interested in learning to program in general, learn without building Bukkit plugins. In my opinion, it's tedious to test if you're even doing things right. Learn how to program small things in Java first, and then move on to Bukkit.
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