WorldGuard And Worldedit Problems

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Vincity, Apr 3, 2013.

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    i set regions and make pvp false and all that and it just doesnt work
    this is making me very mad please this is my last resort. I have no clue why its not working
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    /region flag [region] pvp DENY
    /region flag [region] pvp allow
    Try that.
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    Super User

    *sigh* Brian plsgo because you never read the thread.

    What are your list of plugins?
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    Even though you are making the regions....

    Are you SURE they aren't overlapping? If they are, make sure you set priorities!
    For exampe, if large region A is NO PVP and smaller region B is PVP ON, make sure you have region B priority 1 (or whatever priority level needed to overcome region A.)
    /region setpriority regionB 1
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