constant high write I/O

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by rbos, Apr 3, 2013.

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    I've been seeing high levels of disk writing, even with zero or few users online.

    iostat shows an average of 3-4MiB/sec of write traffic with a 30 second polling period.

    I'm using btrfs, so every 30 seconds it flushes the write cache to disk. With a 5 second polling period, iostat shows 5-6 nearly-zero write IO polls, then a couple of big ones as it flushes the write cache.

    I've set ticks-per.autosave to 6000. So I expected that it would cache chunk data in memory, and minecraft would attempt to save it to disk every 5 minutes, but that doesn't seem to be happening.

    How can I verify that the chunks are being written on schedule? Should I set it to zero and use some save-all plugin instead?

    Here's my plugin list, if it helps. I've eliminated dynmap already, and I don't think anything else does much I/O. strace only shows binary chunk data being written.

    20:16:13 [INFO] Plugins (61): SuperCauldrons, ToolNotifier, WorldInventories, Vault, TeleportArea, uSkyBlock, AutoMessage, SnowFight, DisguiseCraft, PearlXP, SQLibrary, BookShelf, OpenInv, ForcedGrammar, Catacombs, BookShop, Fe, darmok, NoCheatPlus, WorldEdit, Courier, PetitionPlugin, PluginReloader, PermissionsEx, LogBlock, TheCleaner, BlockHeads, SignColours, SignEdit, Minigames, BeardStat, CommandHelper, WormholeXTreme, MobSpawnControl, AnimalProtect, CraftBukkitUpToDate, VirtualPlayers, RedstoneClockDetector, Modifyworld, SimpleReserve, CommandBook, MCBans, Permissions, LWC, WorldGuard, TreasureHunt, PlotMe, Multiverse-Core, MyHome, DynmapPlotMe, Dynmap-WorldGuard, CraftBook, WGCustomFlags, SimpleRegionMarket, OtherDrops, Multiverse-NetherPortals, VanishNoPacket, WGDropFlags, MyWarp, WorldBorder, CraftIRC
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