Re-open a created inventory

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Liam Allan, Feb 26, 2013.

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    Liam Allan

    So, lets say I create an inventory (Bukkit.createinventory) with 9 slots as a bank chest when I do "/newbank".

    How would I re-open it if I try "/openbank".

    I can't seem to figure it out and had some trouble finding answers.
    Thanks in advanced.
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    Save it as a variable. createInventory returns an inventory object.
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    Liam Allan

    I understand how to open it on the same command, store .createInventory as an Inventory variable, then player.openInventory.

    I mean open the inventory on a different command.
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    Save it as a global variable then pass it as the argument to wherever you're using it.
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    Liam Allan

    Would that not cause problems for multiple players?
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    Map player names to inventories using a HashMap.
  7. Offline


    Can if wanna save the items in the inventory. then when it opens place the items in.
    (Would post my code but its all messed up with lore saving etc. Soo its hard to understand)
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