Plugin Help (Cenotaph)

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by tonne94, Feb 18, 2013.

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    Hello... I opend my server recently so i need some help with plugins (plugins must be for multiplayer)... can someone help me with finding some plugin.... I searched for a plugin that will put a chest down upon my death.... I know there are some of them like DeathChest, Cenotaph, DeadMansChest and some others... but I want to make them comaptibile with "Lockette" and I want them to spawn chests (so I dont need to have chest in my inventory) and I wanted to plagin makes a double chest if I die with full inventory (that is more than one chest cuz of a bar under inventory and armor)..... I know it is possible with this plugins i said before but I couldnt configure them properly so I would be very grateful if someone tell mi what I need to do to configure properly.... I found this Cenotaph very good plugin but I dont know how to make so plugin itself makes a chest (so i dont need to carry one in inventory) and how to make it to make a double chest if needed...

        #Place a sign on the cenotaph if true
        cenotaphSign: true
        #Prevent non-Op players from destroying cenotaphs if true (destroyQuickLoot overrides)
        noDestroy: true
        #Save Cenotaph listing between server reloads if true
        saveCenotaphList: true
        #Stop Cenotaph creation next to existing chests if true
        noInterfere: true
        #Check for new versions on startup
        versionCheck: true
        #Cenotaph normally checks to make sure it isn't trying to create a chest in the void.
        #If you handle or modify the void with another plugin, you can disable that check here.
        #This option should be true for most servers.
        voidCheck: true
        #If you are not locking your chests with Lockette or LWC but still want them to be
        #protected against Creeper explosions, or you want your chests to be protected even
        #after they are unlocked, enable this.
        creeperProtection: false
        #Each line may be one of any custom text OR:
        #{name} for player name
        #{date} for day of death
        #{time} for time of death (server time)
        #{reason} for cause of death
            Line1: "{name}"
            Line2: "RIP"
            Line3: "{date}"
            Line4: "{time}"
            #For formatting, see
            dateFormat: "MM/dd/yyyy"
            timeFormat: "hh:mm a"
        #Disable in the worlds below
            #- world
            #- world2
        dynmapEnable: true
        #Destroy cenotaph on player quickloot if true
        destroyQuickLoot: true
        #Remove cenotaph after removeTime seconds if true
        cenotaphRemove: true
        removeTime: 3600
        #Set cenotaph removal time based on player level, with the above removeTime setting the maximum cap
        levelBasedRemoval: false
        levelBasedTime: 60
        #Immediately remove cenotaph once it is empty, overriding all other timeout options
        removeWhenEmpty: false
        #Never remove a cenotaph unless it is empty
        keepUntilEmpty: false
        LocketteEnable: true
        lwcEnable: false
        #Remove security after securityTimeout seconds
        securityRemove: false
        securityTimeout: 3600
        #Set LWC protection to Public instead of removing it after the timeout
        lwcPublic: false
    #Remember, your character limit for the below message plus whatever else is on the line is 15 characters.
            Zombie: "a Zombie"
            Skeleton: "a Skeleton"
            Spider: "a Spider"
            Wolf: "a Wolf"
            Creeper: "a Creeper"
            Slime: "a Slime"
            Ghast: "a Ghast"
            PigZombie: "a Pig Zombie"
            Giant: "a Giant"
            Blaze: "a Blaze"
            CaveSpider: "a Cave Spider"
            EnderDragon: "a Dragon"
            Enderman: "an Enderman"
            IronGolem: "an Iron Golem"
            MagmaCube: "a Magma Cube"
            Silverfish: "a Siverfish"
            Other: "a Monster"
            Cactus: "a Cactus"
            Suffocation: "Suffocation"
            Fall: "a Fall"
            Fire: "a Fire"
            Burning: "Burning"
            Lava: "Lava"
            Drowning: "Drowning"
            Lightning: "Lightning"
            Misc: "an Explosion"
            TNT: "a TNT Explosion"
            Dispenser: "a Dispenser"
            Void: "the Void"
            Other: "Unknown"
    configVer: 16
    . Thanks on every kind of help... Cheers....


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2016
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    I don't really understand it very good what you'r point is, maybe that's why someone didn't help you yet?
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