
Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Brendan4t, Jan 7, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    Hi, my community gets this error a lot and is kicked from the server. I've googled this, and all posts received no help. Does anyone know a fix to this, with a permission? If i'm a admin+op, i dont get kicked
    My plugins

  2. Offline


    i think because when you display the plugins list there is to many letters so the server consider you like a spammer
  3. I think your players are talking in chat more than the server can register, it is assuming you are spamming. How is your CPU and RAM? Are you hosting at home?

    Most likely not. People on my server who aren't OP can use /plugins and are just fine.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2016
  4. Offline


    The server does not(atleast should not) disconnect OPs for chat spam.

    The issues are very likely linked to the server being overloaded.
  5. Offline


    It kicks them with even 1 person in the game.

    Server runs at 10% cpu, 25% ram with about 10 people.

    Hosted by Fragnet, not my home PC

    Does anyone else know how to resolve this problem? -_-

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2016
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    I have the exact same problem.
    running a home server. firewall/portforwarding/server all set up correctly.

    Apparently this was a feature in vanilla minecraft_server. I never really had a problem until updating to 1.4.6.

    I ran 1.4.5 solid for a long time and don't think I had this issue.

    btw: disconnect.spam
    not disconnected.spam

    I only found your post through google, no the search function of forums.

    I have some idea that bukkit had patched this, then broke it on the 1.4.6 re-write.
  7. Offline


    same problem here..
    It randomly started occurring and now it's annoying the hell out of everyone in the server.
  8. Offline


    Having the same problem, it never happend before bukkit 1.4.7 R1 though.
    People just get kicked randomly.
  9. Offline


    Looks like there's a few of us who have this problem... Would be great if it could be fixed
  10. Offline


    i have this problem also, and like what ggmike said it's annoying the hell out of everyone on my server
  11. Offline


    As i can recall i din't have this issue with 1.4.5... I don't know with 1.4.6... But in 1.4.7. It's kicking my players for spam...

    And I haven't found any solution for this.... I guess it's more a bukkit issue.... or am i wrong?
  12. Offline

    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    cptcrunch112 fury0n vYN igwb BEskind Brendan4t Brendan4t

    Remove BKCommonLib or BeTheMob if you have them. Those are both reported as causing the problem.

    The plugin author is recklessly playing with the internals of CraftBukkit without adequately testing, and is breaking your servers. This dangerous development approach and breaking of servers has been ongoing for months. I would suggest finding new plugins to replace those using BKCommonLib.
    igwb likes this.
  13. Offline


    Thanks for letting us know, mbaxter. I am using BKCommonLib for MyWorlds, I will try to switch to a diffrent multi world plugin.
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