Hosting A Public Server

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by krustykobb, Feb 18, 2013.

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    I am wanting so start hosting my own public server for people to go on, but I am not too sure on what plugins to add. I want it to be like some of the popular servers that lots of people go on, where it displays a welcome message and people can pay for ranks on it. What are the best plugins to use? Thanks in advance :)
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    There are a lot of topics with suggestions, just go for basic plugins depending on the type of server you want to start. For example on Curse most plugins are ordered by popularity and that may give you an idea what players what ...
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    You're approaching this all wrong.

    Get a theme for your server. Figure out what you want to provide. Once you've done that, figure out what you need to make that happen. Look for plugins that suit your need.
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