Error every 30 seconds.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by joereider, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    Well title says it all but this random error happens. I suspect it might be a world corruption. Heres the error.
    18:18:26 [SEVERE] java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 906, Size: 905
    18:18:26 [SEVERE]at java.util.ArrayList.RangeCheck(
    18:18:26 [SEVERE]at java.util.ArrayList.set(
    18:18:26 [SEVERE]at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_R1.RegionFile.a(
    18:18:26 [SEVERE]at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_R1.ChunkBuffer.close(SourceFile:230)
    18:18:26 [SEVERE]at
    18:18:26 [SEVERE]at
    18:18:26 [SEVERE]at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_R1.ChunkRegionLoader.a(
    18:18:26 [SEVERE]at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_R1.ChunkRegionLoader.c(
    18:18:26 [SEVERE]at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_R1.FileIOThread.b(SourceFile:29)
    18:18:26 [SEVERE]at
    18:18:26 [SEVERE]at
  2. Offline


    Some plugins of yours isnt updated correctly, they do still work im pretty sure of. When they are updated to your Bukkit update and they match, no more errors :) I get them too, but i cant delete the important plugins you know :)
  3. Offline


    No it's not that, I got this about 2 hours after my server started and then it keeps repeating.
  4. Offline


    I am unsure how that means it can't be a plugin problem. Have you updated to the latest releases of every plugin? (Or a dev build of the plugin, if that's what it takes to be compatible with your version of CraftBukkit?)

    You won't get this error if you run without any plugins installed... you may feel free to try. If by chance you can reproduce this without any plugins running, then we can look further.

    Until then, ensure everything is up to date... and compatible with your version of CB.
  5. Offline


  6. Offline


    Well it seems really weird, but the error somehow "removed" its self. I mean that the error doesn't happen anymore. Anyway if I needed to use a Region Fixer, it would need to work on mac because I use mac.
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