"wasteland" world generator

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by UndefinedDecoder, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. Hello everyone. I found a wasteland minecraft client mod that makes your worlds look like this.
    and I'd really like to see this in bukkit. I have no experience with Java or creating plugins for that matter but I think it would be fairly easy. I did this with worldedit . Commands were
    //replace log air
    //replace water air
    //replace leaves air
    //replace flower air
    //replace grass dirt

    The AlmostFlatLands plugin almost did it for me. I just want it to be dirt. I want players to basically grow the land themselves so don't disallow the growth of vegetation, just cancel the rendering of it when the world is generated. Players will be given 4 spawn eggs of each passive mob (chickens, cows, sheep, wolves and pigs), 4 seeds of each type, 4 saplings (1 of each) and 1 grass block when they join the server. Everything they need to start farms for survival. Any environmental aspect that would make farming difficult would be cool too. Maybe 50% of everything planted actually has a successful growth, and the other 50% is actually lost (don't give seeds back). Something for the animals too, maybe `passive mobs can't survive for more than 3 days without being on a grass block`. No bodies of water either. I want it to be hard. Maybe `water and lava can only be found underground` and the surface is nothing but ungrassed dirt. Anyway, that's about the just of it. If I had this plugin, it would co-exist with the irradiated plugin or something similar. I'd be happy with the all dirt terrain but if someone could make it with these extra (difficulty) features, that would be awesome.
    Thanks in advance to whoever works on this,

    Ok so I found a plugin called DwarvenDelight which appears to be abandoned. On the surface, it's doing almost exactly what I'm looking for except I'm wanting 0 vegetation. This plugin messes with the ores and I'd like them to stay defaulted. It also generates the surface at Y: ~245. I'd like that to be ~80.
    Thanks again to anybody who works on this!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2016
  2. Offline


    Sounds like a really really good server idea
  3. Thanks James! I'm really hoping someone can do this for myself and the bukkit community.
  4. Offline


    You could use tarrain control to set this up.
  5. I poked around at terrain control a little and it seems very complex. I felt like I'd be killing a fly with a nuke. Besides, I'd like it to be a world generator because I don't want to use a plugin to manage it.
  6. Any progress updates? I'm really excited to see this in action.
  7. You could just create the world with the clientmod and put it on your server (let many chunks generate) or just replace the generator of the net.minecraft.server with the mp version of the mod...
  8. Right but I'm wanting the minor changes to take affect as well. The items, players start with, I guess could be controlled by Multiverse but the 50% growth rate (half of everything planted actually makes it, and the original seeds/sapling isn't given back) would have to be controlled by the world generator. I'd also like diamonds to be very difficult to obtain. This is a picture taken of level 17 from the default world generator. I'd like all of level 17 to look like the circled area, making it very difficult to obtain diamonds (with diamonds only under the lava). 0 life should exist on the surface, only dirt (ungrassed).[​IMG]

    If the image seems to be broken, right click it and say 'view image' to view it. It's supposed to be a link to picpaste.com

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2016
  9. I had another idea for the world generator, and that would be to create "mirages" of tree clusters and small bodies of water on the surface. When the player punches a block of the tree, the entire tree disappears. Same for bodies of water. Maybe random blocks of diamond ores on the surface too. Only on the surface though, I don't want to make people too mad lol.
  10. Offline


    I like the idea of that. I love post apocalyptic looking places :D
  11. Offline


    codename_B made a plugin called Apocalypse (or something like that) a while ago that generated really cool worlds similar to what you're looking for. I used to really like it, but now I can't find it anywhere one the Internet.
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