[Read This Staff/Plugin Makers] ConsolePassword

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by gamalamin1, Jan 25, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    What am looking for: Ok so this is a REALLY good idea I came up with to stop hackers from taking over console! Why not set up a plugin to make a console password? Also when a different ip is accessing the console, they have to type the password too!

    And everytime when you open the console, you have to write the password as well as when you do /stop or /op!
  2. Offline


    The console itself doesn't know what IP is doing stuff with it.
  3. Offline


    How about if it is just accessed from a different location?
  4. Offline


    Same. The console is always running on the server computer. If it's being accessed, it is trough some other program.
  5. Offline


    Ok, how about just a console password?
  6. Offline


    The password to log in to the machine isn't enough?
  7. Offline


    nobody is that obssesed with hacking
  8. Offline


    Then why do you want this plugin?
  9. Offline


    To protect this server below, and plus, most hackers will just give up if the console had a password! but if the console has no password, they can do /kickall /banip admin /op EVERYBODY /mvdelete world /mvconfirm /setspawn in all /banlist /unban ALL and then /save-all and then /stop etc and delete the backup files and I cant do anything about it.
  10. Offline


    That doesn't make any sense; and the closest anyone could get to this with a plugin is forcing a password to be entered on a timer, which could be easily circumvented by opening the console and waiting for someone to enter the password. Or appending the password to passed commands, but nobody is going to make that. The practical solution here would be for you to learn how to secure your system.
  11. Offline


    how do I secure my system?
  12. Offline


    If you're hosting from home, you can learn a lot by doing a web search for internet and network security options for your OS. But if you're hosting from home and don't already know any of this, you'd probably be better off getting a paid host and going over it with them if you still have concerns. This is mostly a kid's game though, so you're not likely to run into anyone that's going to "hack" you. Loosely handing out OP and console access to people will ruin you quickly though.
  13. Offline


    Is there such thing as a free host? lol
  14. Offline


    Maybe. The best hackers could hack into server information and set themself as op, but THE BEST HACKER could too discover the password if the plugin gets popular.
  15. Offline


    Where do you host your damn server then ?
    You're making things awkward.
  16. Offline


    What are you you even talking about? Not every one can afford to pay for server host. Plus why pay for a host when you can just host from home the guy is just requesting a plugin. And if anything you just made it awkward
  17. Offline


    Set online-mode=true and don't op people you don't know and trust.
  18. Offline


    How are you having people access your console? Like, the actual terminal window? Update your SSH keys and enforce ACL.

    If there were some vulnerability in Bukkit where a team went around opping themselves on servers, the team would release a hotfix. This isn't an actual problem that needs fixing.
  19. Offline


    Not really. He didn't mention he hosts it from home. Plus you should do some research on why hosting from home is a bad idea, especially a public server before commenting.
  20. Offline


    how exactly do you even reach a console of a home server?
  21. Offline


    Exactly... lol.
  22. Offline


    In my server file, of course :). I don't trust hosting companies because they rip people off and can shut down a server anytime they want, some of them don't even give customers console access so they pretty much own the server. Even with a contract, who knows? Maybe one of their employees might go berserk and explode the server hosting machines 0.0

    My computer is well protected from about everything, got antivirus and computer security.
    Thank you, I can't afford server hosting, I'm an immigrant, just want a simple plugin that requires a password when opening the console.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2016
  23. Offline


    This is somewhat unlikely.
  24. Offline


    You never know.....
  25. Offline


    Doesn't matter, server hosting companies have control over their customers, they can do anything!
  26. Offline


    Nobody here has ever had their hosting machines blown up, I'm willing to bet on it.
  27. Offline


    Maybe if one of their employees got laid off because of the economy they might blow a few things up... I bet there is a 1% chance.
  28. Offline


    In any case data is backed up and prevention measures are taken. If you want less chance of this happening, pick a more reputable, larger provider.
  29. Offline


    So ehm, is this plugin possible to make?
  30. Offline


    Well you can listen on all command executed at console and block them until you input a password. (But you will have to input password before every command) Or time lock/unlock console commands
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