Essentials /help and craftbukkit /help

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Asip, Jan 28, 2013.

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    Hello everyone, recently I have been digging through my servers files more and more and thought of something cool I would want to do, is it possible to replace essentials /help and make your own /help with craftbukkits help.yml file or whatever that file is called.
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    CraftBukkit has it's own /help. If Essentials is displaying and you don't want it to, add the following Permission node to your Permissions file:

    In regards to customizing the CraftBukkit /help command, the help.yml file doesn't have any configuration parameters. You may be able to edit files within the Craftbukkit.jar using something like WinRAR but that may not be possible if you don't have jar access and if there's not even any configurable parts inside the jar.

    I suggest searching for a Plugin that gives you an enhanced /help (Not entirely sure how you can enhance it though lol).

    IMO, just stick with Craftbukkit's /help :p
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    Mmk now does AdminCmd have a custom /help like essentials?
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