Deprecated - player.updateInventory()

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by LostNomad, Dec 27, 2012.

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    I came across this while coding today, and I've always been simply suppressing the warnings.
    I was wondering though, is this line still neccessary? Or is there another method that does it better?
    For that matter, do you even need to update the player's inventory anymore after giving them an item?
  2. Offline


    I suggest you do continue to use that
    method it is more efficient
  3. Offline


    GodzOfMadness ok, thanks. I guess I'll keep using updateInventory()
  4. Offline


    Then why is it deprecated....?
  5. Offline


    I am not to sure but it is more efficient
    from my experience it is depricated because it was replaced by something or just for an unkown reason
    but it is still good to use it so yea.
  6. Offline


    Yeah, I noticed this when I made a plugin. I just ignored it, and everything works fine.
  7. Offline


    I would always use it if you get the chance because
    sometimes there might be glitched items in your inventory then it could cause
    memory issues possibly
  8. Offline

    dark navi

    It's deprecated because it doesn't fix that actual underlying issue that inventories aren't automatically updated. Bukkit staff has never gotten around to fixing it though.
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