Why are so many plugins breaking in 1.4.5-R1 and 1.4.6 dev?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by LEOcab, Dec 20, 2012.

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    About a third of the plugins I use broke with the 1.4.5 RB, and right now I can't update to the 1.4.6 dev build because of ONE critical plugin and I don't know when it will get updated. What was the reason for all this breakage? Can't someone remove the breaking changes made in 1.4.5-R1 and make a 1.4.6 version out of it? :(
  2. Offline


  3. Offline


    Why the frak? 90% of plugins work fine across versions. I'm still using some plugins that haven't updated since 1.2.5 and won't be updated ever again because the authors are dead.

    Oh god... Can someone please explain why they did this, in mortal language without references to nets and orgs and javas?
  4. Da peoples who make le bukkit changed a lot so now le old pluginz don't worky worky. Good enough?
  5. Offline


    Because life's a b**ch.
    MrBluebear3 likes this.
  6. Offline


    No, not good enough. I got that part. What I want to know is why.

    There has to be a reason... or is this Wolverness character just a sadistic worm?
  7. Honestly. I don't watch the github commits so I don't know. Just waiting to know what I need to change about my plugins.
  8. Offline


    What is this NMS thing that they are talking about? Sounds like that's what they broke...

    Fuzzwolf likes this.
  9. Offline


    NMS stands for net.minecraft.server package. This is a code-wise something that didn't change with every update, but now will. This also goes for the org.bukkit.craftbukkit package.
    The goal of this will be to make devs aware of the changes to those packages, if there are any.
  10. Offline


    Ahh... Okay. So is there any chance for any of you magic devs to revert this so I can update my server? The WorldInventories guy appears to be asleep and that's the only broken plugin I can't run my server without.
  11. So the purpose is to make us more aware of the changes to the bukkit API?
  12. Offline


    There are other builds that left out this new commint, however newer plugins will not work if you're using that.
  13. Offline


    Eh, not really. The only way around it would be... updating the plugin, pretty much.

    If you are a dev, and are using NMS or CBO code, yes.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2016
  14. Offline


    Would any of those builds be for 1.4.6? If so, can I have a link? :D

    Sooooo what about dead plugins? Thankfully all of the dead plugins I'm using still work, but I can see this happening again in the future. I remember they did something similar back in 1.2 when a lot of plugins broke. :(
  15. Offline


    I'm sure a 'plugin rescue squad' will come alive and revive dead plugins once more.
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    Check out md_5's works.
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  19. Offline


    Reverting this isn't a good solution at all. Working with it if possible is the better choice.
    I don't really "like" this change at all either, but trying to revert or bypass it don't seem like the right
    thing to do either in this situation.

    Basically, what this does is adds the version say (1.4.6) into the names.
    So when something it breaks, it will state that in version BLANK this method no longer exists.
  20. Offline

    Deleted user

    A nightmare for developers.
    Dynamic packages.. what next? All methods being renamed? </3
  21. same here it keeps eliminating my other plugins to 'unown command'
  22. Offline


    You might want to look at MultiInv. Tux has been good at keeping it updated.
  23. Offline


    bPermissions broke and HomeSpawnPlus broke. Probably the two most vital plugins I need.
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    ......and PTweaks.. which has a build out thats working on 1.4.5R1.0...
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    I think tyzoid allong with some other guys do this plugin updating service
  26. Offline


    Except my server already uses WorldInventories and people will be pissed if they lose not only their inventory but their ender chest as well in one of the two worlds, specially since WI already wiped ender chests once during an update. People tend to keep their most valuable items there. :(
  27. Offline


    Why? :( That's such a stupid idea...
  28. Offline


    this went all over freaking again a thousand and one times.

    this change is to prevent outdated and badly coded plugins that mess with internal code not make server owners suffer when the plugins break up their server, such as the one time where a plugin turned all of a world's stone to air.
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    Gunnerrrrr likes this.
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    But this has infact broken many plugins that are inactive and the servers that use them. This seems to be doing more harm than good. I would believe this excuse if it was actually doing good for the majority of people.
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