Solved Trouble making region PVP (worldguard)

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by CayleRose, Nov 21, 2012.

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    This is a PVP-Enabled spawn world (hub world), and I want it to all be non-pvp, but only have 1 little red zone to have pvp enabled.

    It seems like the bigger non-pvp region is overlapping the pvp-enabled region.


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    You need to set the priority of the areas you want to override the no-pvp area. Default priority is 0, so if you haven't messed with the other zone you should be fine setting the one you want pvp enabled to 1.

    For the zone you want pvp in do this:
    /region setpriority (region name) 1
    /region flag (region name) pvp allow
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    Worked great!
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