bPermissions or PermissionsBukkit o-o

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by javoris767, Nov 12, 2012.

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    Hey! Basically I want to know which one is faster/more efficient. I've tried permissionsbukkit like a months ago, and it was great til my config reset a few times randomly, I've tried bPermissions just to test it and it was great, it was fast to convert from pex to bperms :3. Im thinking about changing from pex to one of these whenever.
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    bPerms, hands down.
  3. Offline


    Just out of curiosity, why are you changing from PEX?
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    I've heard that pex is slow and stuff and I read mbaxter 's document about why pex isn't that good.
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    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

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    I think I read it before, but I quite like the simplicity of Pex, and not having to worry too much. I've never really had any problems with it... I considered switching in the past, because I felt the lack of updates would soon leave me at a dead end, but since PermissionsBukkit is pretty much dead (even more so than Pex) and I really hate bPerms (never worked properly for me, took forever to get working, wasn't as simple and "enjoyable" as Pex for me), I don't really know what to go for.
    I'll have a look at GroupManager tho, didn't know the project was still alive. Looks promising.
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    Deleted user

    I personally love PermissionsEx, although I think bPerms is the way to go.
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    Im using PermissionsBukkit 2.0, never had a problem with it. :)
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    I installed bPerms on my little server yesterday. I am impressed.:)
  10. Offline


    bPermissions here. Love it.
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    I prefer the way PermissionsBukkit works. Some call it "dead", but I call it dependable. It doesn't have many updates because it doesn't need them. That's perfect for a permissions plugin.

    bPermissions would be my second choice. The commands are more cumbersome (ie. 3 commands to do 1 thing). Separation of users and groups is nice. Separation of worlds is not so nice in my case. I have many worlds, but I like group permissions in one file.
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