Plugin that can claim land?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by MrCh0ww, Nov 17, 2012.

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    I'm kinda nooby on plugins rite now xD But i went on a server yesterday but i forgot what it was but it had something that let you have a specific amount of land anywhere outside of spawn. You had to get a specific item (in this server, it was a gold shovel). When I got it, i would right click the ground and it would highlight the floor on how much land I want. I don't know if there was a limit but that would be cool also! Also this is INDIVIDUAL!! So no factions...unless I'm a dumbass and idk what it can do xD
  2. Offline


    not sure what plugin you are specifically referring to but Towny is an awesome plugin for land management.
  3. Offline


    I would recommend "iZone." It allows you to create zones and flag them with protection, monster-spawn, PvP...ect
    Also in the config you can specify the maximum size a zone can be.
  4. Offline


    Thanks! I'm going to check this one out!
    EDIT: The problem with this is idk the permission nodes for all the features, cuz they r way to op....And since this guy is banned from bukkitdev, he doesn't say.
    EDIT2: Nevermind, found it! but it's not updated -_-

    This plugin is OK, but I'm still looking for the one I saw :) Thanks though! :D

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2016
  5. Offline


    They were using GriefPrevention, it uses the gold shovel by default.
  6. Offline


    THANK YOU!!!!!
  7. Offline


    Its still compatible with minecraft 1.4.4, even though the link is for a lower version.
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    Deleted user

    Factions for claiming land, and for a war-based server.
    Towny for making towns and just chilling.
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