LetterMail - Write mails, put a Name on it and send it via Mailboxes

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by DogmaGriever, Oct 23, 2012.

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    Hi there

    My Idea:
    - User takes a blank paper
    - User click with right mouse button anywhere while the blank paper is in hand.
    - User becomes a book-edit-window (like writing on a book) to write any text
    - User can finish his letter and edit it with /letter to <playername>
    - this "Letter" he can put inside a chest, where's a fence below it. (only this will accepted as mailbox)
    - At specified interval the mail will be delivered to a mailbox of the target user defined by /letter to <playername>
    - Receiver can now use this letter like a finished written book and read the message.

    I hope, my english is enought, that you can understand it.

    Additional Ideas:
    - Letters with specified names like "Letter to <playername>"
    - Porto with iconomy or vault
    - Shipping time from receiving letter from mailbox to deliverin in target mailbox.
    - Information about a received message in chat of the user
    - pre-defined format of a letter. like:
    To <name>
    From <name>
    Subject <place for subject>
    The first line will be removed, if the user has replaced <name> with the playername of the receiver.
    The second Line will be fixed to the playername, who write this letter.
    The third line is optional. if the user doesnt replace the <place for subject>, the subject will be <no subject>

    - Language-Support. Like <place for subject> in german <platz für den titel> or the messages in chat
    - easy config times to set, what time is used for collecting letters. likte this:
    - 00:00
    - 07:00
    - 14:00
    The thimes are in 24h-interval. each interval means one minecraft-day (round it to each half hour)

    - porto configuration
    - limit count of letters that a user can send. use pex-permission-nodes for it for specified groups. like user can send 4 and vip can send 7 each day.
    - configurate the delivery-times in the config (collecting letters = all letters will be stored in a config, delivering letters = all letters in the store-config will be sended to each specified receiver) same as time config for collecting letters
    - user can disable/enable the chat messages for receiving letters.

    i hope, anyone can make a plugin like this. it will be helpful.

    A mailbox build:


    this will generate a mailbox for the user they have build this. more than one mailbox possible. (count it as one)
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