Occasional crasshes. Bukkit or Plugin?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Aza24, Oct 21, 2012.

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    When getting killed by another player while using my plugin, occasionally the server will crash giving me the following report:


    Is this a Bukkit bug or something in my plugin? There's no mention of any of my classes in the stacktrace.
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    I think it is a problem with Bukkit, although I am not certain. It could be something that your plugin does that upsets it.
  3. Offline


    Yep, bukkit. If you haven't, try updating to R2.0
  4. Offline


    I am on R2.0...
  5. Offline


    I guess it could be your plugin but I doubt it... May we see your code?
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  7. Offline


    Yeah, sure: https://github.com/BattleNight/BattleNight-Core

    I am using TagAPI but have a look at my code to make sure.

    This seems to be a Bukkit bug with projectiles but is there any way of fixing this myself?
  8. Offline


    Can't see any problem with your code, but your problem does look very much like the reported bug there. You don't seem to be teleporting the player directly, instead setting the respawn location in the PlayerRespawnEvent handler, right? Perhaps that triggers it too - try instead scheduling a sync delayed task to port the player back to the spectator location as a workaround.
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