Rent Collection Plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by plus44kills, Sep 12, 2012.

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    Plugin category: Houses

    Suggested name: AutoRent

    What I want: Our server uses a plugin called SRM it is a worldgaurd agent thing were you can right click a sign and your add ed to the house. Ever other Saturday we go around and in every house their is a chest were the owner is required to place a gold ingot in the chest. so i want the plugin to automate so we do a command like /rent collect and it go's thru all the regions and scans their rent box and pics out the gold, but if their is a rent fail it go's into the server schematics and paste in a copy of the original house (the region and the schematic would be the same) and removes all the owners from the house

    Ideas for commands: /rent collect /rent faillist

    Ideas for permissions: rank.collect rent.faillist

    When I'd like it by: 1-5 days

    Server is for the devs who want to see who srm works
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    You should have a look at Hero Stronghold. it lets you or your users build a "house" (its a region of any shape/size (you decide)) that "will stop working" if they're not paying their rent (into a chest in the house) just like you're saying.

    They can be rented by adding the rentee to the region while retaining ownership yourself.

    bonus. the users can only build a house if they've actually placed the required blocks for the house and you can decide all the options like maintenance costs and also payouts and effects if you like
  5. Offline


    Ya but we run off srm and we need a plugin tht collects it
  6. Offline


    WorldGuard+Residence+ResidenceSigns is what you need. set it up and its all AUTOMATIC.
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