Custom Guest Management plugin for ChunkyCraft

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by tophatbandit, Sep 12, 2012.

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    Hey folks! I run a server called ChunkyCraft that is quite a large creative server. We have been searching for a long time for the perfect guest management plugin but to no avail. So I have come here to see if anyone is able to create the plugin we desire.

    Plugin category: Administrative/Management

    Suggested name: ChunkyGuest

    What I want: On our server, Guests must first complete a guest build in a plot. This build is then rated by higher ranking members and if the ratings are high enough, the Guest becomes a member.

    We want our plugin to be able to do a few things:
    • Auto assign a guest to a plot upon login, and allow them to get their via a command, ie - /plot home
    • Guests to be restricted to building in their plot
    • When the guest is done with their build they type /build done (command pending) doing “/build notdone”, will remove the player from the “ready to be checked” list.
    • That alerts all people with the perms node chunky.alert that a guest has finished their build. Or when logging in it tells you how many guest builds are ready to be rated
    • Typing /plot <playername> teleports a rater to the players plot
    • While standing in a plot that is ready to be rated, a rater can type /rate <1-5> <notes>
    • This will alert the guest that their build has a new rating, either in game or when they next log in
    • A guest can type /rate check in their build to check all their current ratings
    • After 3 ratings of 4 or higher the guest is auto promoted to Member
    • If a guest is rated poorly and not able to be promoted, they are able to type /plot reset to delete their current build and start over. This command also resets all their past ratings and resets the /build done command. This will warn the player about resetting their plot and require them to type /reset confirm within 15 seconds
    Ideas for commands:
    /plot home - takes guest to their plot
    /plot <playername> - takes you to the players plot
    /plot list - tells player how many plots out of total are claimed ie - 44/66 plots claimed
    /plot clear - ADMIN ONLY force resets ownership of plot
    /plot create - ADMIN ONLY creates a new plot
    /plot remove - ADMIN ONLY removes plot player is standing in
    /plot reset - resets the plot to its flat state, requires a confirmation
    /reset confirm - confirms the resetting request within 15 seconds
    /build done - confirms that a guests build is done and alerts raters
    /build notdone - removes the build done tag
    /rate <1-5> <notes> - allows raters to rate a guest build
    /rate check - allows guests to check past ratings on their build
    /rate list - allows a rater to check a list of builds that need to be rated

    Ideas for permissions: chunky.* <to change based on command and permission>

    When I'd like it by: As soon as possible, a few weeks perhaps.

    Thanks for taking the time to look over what we need. If you have more questions, don't hesitate to contact me on skype at thetophatbandit.

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    Anyone interested in this? It's vital to our server running smoothly.

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