Where to Start Learning

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by brinaq, Sep 9, 2012.

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    Where can I start learning some simple java? Any books you recommend that are current, any online courses to take? I want to definitely start out slowly, then start getting to more advanced stuff. I hope to be a plugin developer sometime soon! :)
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    Sagacious_Zed Bukkit Docs

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    I agree partially with the posts above, but he wants to learn Java first, not how to make plugins. Learn some java at http://www.youtube.com/thenewboston <---- He's a great guy, he does many languages and he really helps...

    Once you know basic java, you can make basic plugins. As you become more advanced in plugins, your java knowledge may also increase
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    I'd recommend checking out thenewboston, or if you want to try out a lesser known YouTuber, try out my channel. There's a link for it in my signature. *shameless self adverts*
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