Auto Kit - Essentials Compatible

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Dragonfire967, Sep 2, 2012.

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    Hey, I've been looking around for a while with no luck for a plugin that will do the following:

    Joe comes on server, and purchases a profession (iProfessions). He is moved to the relevant group (example: Miner). This is where I have the issue. I want him to be automatically given the kit for his profession through essentials, but the only way to this, according to the essentials team, is to 1. type /kit <kitname>, 2. They receive a specified kit upon first join on the server, or 3. Find a plugin that does this for you (their words).

    So here's what I need. I need a plugin that will automatically give a player a kit upon joining a group in Group Manager / any permission plugin, that is specified in the Essentials config / whatever kit plugin a player may be using. I'm trying to avoid giving them access to the /kit command, because of the risk of abuse, and no way to limit usage to one time only. In addition, I would like to see if it could reassign the kit upon player death, and remove the kit if they change groups, and assign the new one for that group.

    Is there already a plugin that does this, that I missed, or can someone make this for me please. Thank You.
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    bump - anyone able to help with this?
  3. Offline


    Starterkit + VariableTriggers might do this, not entirely sure.
    Calling LexLaiden
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    I realy don't know iprofessions so depending on whether they type a /command or click a sign to buy the profession depends on how you could do this with VariableTriggers

    If the type a command to buy the profession you could create a Command trigger for that /command and then use @DROPITEM or use @CMDOP give item 1 or any other ingame command

    If they click a sign to buy profession then just create a Click trigger and use same as above.

    You may want to test to see if they have enough money
    @IF b <hasmoney:<playername>:amount> =true
    or see if they have aquired the permission
    @IF b <haspermission:permission.node> = true

    before you give them the items

    You need to read the doc on the dev site
    Woobie likes this.
  5. Offline


    Does iProfessions have an API? If it does, this should be easy.
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    iProfessions uses an API provided by PluginsBaker, which it requires to even run. As far as variabletriggers goes, I've tried it, but its a bit too cumbersome for my needs. I just need something simple that does everything automatically. Even if you need combine a kit plugin with a permissions register (i.e. it detects when a players group is changed, regardless of what permissions plugin the server uses (group manager, PEX, bpermissions, etc), and based on what group they switch to, gives the relevant kit.

    I will however make a note here, cause I was probably not clear before. iProfessions works fine, with no issues. The issue has nothing to do with it. The issue has to do with when a player's group is changed, I want them to receive a kit for the new group, only one time, no commands to enter (except by admins / OPs to override plugin), and if player dies, they receive the kit again. Basically all the settings for a plugin to handle this, should be defined in the config.yml file for the plugin, with no need to write scripts. You just create the kit, then assign each group to the respective kit. And you can have the option to enable to disable receiving the kit again if you die.
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    I can look at iProfessions and PluginsBaker and see what I can do :)
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