[formatted] telepads

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by jef202, Aug 21, 2012.

  1. Offline


    what i want: i would like if you (op only) place a telepad (a stone pressure plate) and than write: /telepad transmittor create [name] (must suport multiworld plugin so i can use it to tele to other worlds) and than go to the dessired spot and place down a iron blcok and say: /telepad receiver create [name] than you tele from the stone pressure to the iron block

    when i want it: ehh is today to soon ? :p

    why i want it: i just find /plg_warpto to long...

    commands: /telepad transmittor create [name]
    /telepad receiver create [name]

    permisson: none only ops may use it.

  2. Offline


    Just use multiverse portals and set the portal above a pressure plate, and it would look exactly the same with the same effect.
  3. Offline


    thx dude join cookiecraft and get a cookie :p
  4. Offline


    Use VariableTriggers

    /vtwalk @TP $loc.somename
    Then click your telepad or plate. You dont even need a plate it can be any block.

    Go to other location in other world and stand where you want player to teleport to and type
    /vt setloc loc somename

    Thats it.
  5. Offline


    hmmm variable triggers? sounds nice. HATE BUKKIT FOR SOO MANY PLUGINS XD

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