Denser Wood + TreeAssist

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by tommygoesha, Aug 9, 2012.

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    I want to add Treeassist to my server so that the whole tree will fall, but after having it for awhile i saw how in 5minutes you could have several stacks of wood and felt it kind of killed the game a little.
    What i was wondering if there can be a plugin developed to increase the durability of tree wood so that it is harder to cut but once its cut itll drop the whole tree?
    This way it still takes a little while to cut down the tree but still helps with bigger trees. Also so that this doesnt work for player houses.. as a mod friend has made a entire world tree by hand and if we cut it that would be bad. Any chance of this happening? :)

    2-3x Longer tree cutting But drops the whole tree and every piece of wood connected.
    would be a tree grown from a sapling.

    optional: 30% of auto replant? (cause 100% replant is annoying... with big old forests in someones backyard lol)

    Any help would be much appreciated!
  2. Offline


    If it's possible to increase the durability of items, I imagine it would be very difficult to code.

    (key word: IMAGINE. I am not a coder.)
  3. Offline


    You'll most likely be looking for a client side mod. Something like Spout would probably be your best bet.

    If you utilized just a server side plugin, people will be confused as to how long they need to break the block because the animation will be off. To the player, it will look like the server is lagging out and not letting them cut. If you want to you can design a work-around. You can give each tree a durability, and each time the player breaks a wood block on the tree, they get a message saying how many more times they need to break it to knock the tree down.

    Another option is to make the basic wood-to-plank recipe return a fraction of what it currently does.

    Either way, the solution to the problem isn't something straight-forward. I'd recommend reducing the recipe return on the wood planks, but I'll leave that up to you. I believe there's several plugins that will let you modify basic recipes.
  4. Offline


    Block durability is client side I believe.
  5. Offline


    Do you have the function that's used to modify block durability? I can find the item durability, but no block durability.
  6. Offline


    do you have a suggestion for a simple recipe changer? not something like recipemanager x.x
    but maybe something else?
  7. Offline


    A plugins functionality and flexibility don't always correlate with the amount of lag they cause. Something like recipemanager will be low cpu usage, as it simply adds/modifies recipes. None of that requires much processing at all.

    If you're really worried about it, try asking the tree mod guy to make it where you can specify the min/max wood you can get out of a tree. It shouldn't be hard for him/her to make that change.

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