100% cpu usage when I (admin) am online

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by tyderion, Mar 13, 2011.

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    Hi there...

    For some time I've run my server with bukkit now but a strange thing happened to me today.
    I use build 531 and run my server on a CentOs 5.5 VPS server.

    I was happily playing minecraft today and suddenly it started laggin like hell. I went to investigate and discovered that the java process uses >100% cpu (top reported 110-150%).
    Strangely, this happens ONLY when I try to connect.
    If one other player connects, cpu usage goes from ~10% (idle) to ~15%, if I connect, regardless of other players, cpu usage spikes to max.
    I also disabled all plugins and this still happens.... :S

    Does anybody have an idea?
    I did not change anything on my server (it worked, then this happened)...
    I even restarted the server with no effect.


    Edit: bukkit version wrong xD
  2. Offline


    I get the same.
    My CPU usage has jumped alot higher than it used to.
    Plus when i connect to my server, it's unplayable.
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