Inactive [ADMN/SEC] PlotGuardian v1.5.4 [1.3.1-R2.0]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by MsHax085, Jul 19, 2012.

  1. Offline


    You are running a lower version of java than what I used to compile the plugin with. The plugin is compiled with JDK7 and it's recommended to install the latest updates. If you do this and make sure you are running the latest update the plugin will work.
  2. Offline


    Working now thanks,

    How could i be able to build plots into a town when i try to create it it says 'The plot may not overlap another region!' even when i made the town region's priority to -1. Or is there another way?
  3. Offline


    There is no way of doing such thing at the moment. Try to create the plot and then turn on protection outside the regions. That's basically the only fix at the moment unless you want to make WorldGuard regions around the plots it self :p
  4. Offline


    So creating plots then creating one big protection over it and setting the priority to -1 will work?
  5. Offline


    Could work but that's not what I said, the plugin offer a feature to protect areas outside the plots (in the config) :)
  6. Offline


    How does that work? does it just expand the region by like 10?
  7. Offline


    no, it protects any area outside the plots (the whole world basically).
  8. Offline


    Update 1.5 released! This is my biggest update so far as I had to recode the whole plugin to make it independent on both WorldEdit and WorldGuard! That's right, PlotGuardian is now completely stand-alone until you enable the economy and use vault. Many old bugs has been patched and today I spent most of my time patching the last few bugs and adding the very final touches.

    Things like defaultY has been removed as you can easily do this with the command by just adding two arguments at the end. Protective plots has been added and those will protect areas around plots, the plots them self will not be affected.
    To select an area you simply use the diamond to mark the two corners and the balzerod tool allows you to simply click on a plot to see it's name and owner. Users can now also type /plot list to receive a list of all plots they own.

    Suggestions, thoughts? Send me a message :)
  9. Offline


    Do you think you could do a video tutorial? Just wondering, would help explain somethings. : )
  10. Offline


    Would it be enough with a written guide in this forum for the meantime? I'd be glad if some user of the plugin could make the tutorial as my video editors doesn't work as they should at the moment. Is there anything I can explain for you now?
  11. Offline


    Yea, it should work fine, just wanted to see if that was an option. (I personally learn better by listening/viewing) While reading through your guidelines, I noticed where you have to have a region default name (ex. Plot) and then the numbers (ex. 0-99 or 999), well I was wondering if we were free to name the regions anything we want instead of having all these numbers. For example, if it is available, I would love to name plots as such:
    "/region define plot-block1-room12" or anything that is customization rather than having too many numbers. The reason I would like this because I am currently developing a Modern Roleplay and Build server world, which your plugin will work great with, but the plot/region naming doesn't feel right to me. I don't want to put too much work on you or anything, just thought that'd be a cool feature. Thanks : )
  12. Offline


    Actually, the name thing is a new feature with 1.5. You can use any name you want, at any length you want.
    Just download the new update and you are basically ready to go. There are no guidelines for this version yet and I do not recommend using the old ones as they are out of date.
  13. Offline


    Looks Awesome!
    I'll give it a shot!
  14. Offline


    Thanks! Let me know if you have any problems with it, the update was released today so there might be a few minor ones. Always good with feedback from the users! :D
  15. Offline


    Oh one thing!
    I was reading it and it said You can mark out the plots using Worldedit.
    Do i need to install worldedit in order to do that or does the plugin have a Built-in axe and all?
    Just wondering because I dont think i have seen an update for worldedit for 1.3
  16. Offline


    Where did you read that?
  17. Offline


    Plugin updated to version 1.2! There are new commands and permissions for both plot creation and deleting. You can now allow any user to delete an existing or create a non-existing plot by only using the WorldEdit wand to select the area.
    I read the UPDATE TO 1.3 and i didnt see anything else about this. but i saw something about marking it with diamonds.
  18. Offline


    Version 1.5 is based on a whole new system which does not require WorldEdit or WorldGuard. You can define a plot area with the diamondselector (a diamond :) ). I'm updating the whole guide for this plugin at the moment as so much have changed. Have a look at it if you want :)
  19. Offline


    OOH! Well that blows all my concerns away :-D Sweet, and from reading other posts after mine, you do NOT need worldguard? : o That'll work great actually, owner and admins on my server can protect server things with worldguard while we'll use your plugin for player use, epic! thanks so much, keep up the hard work ^-^
  20. Offline


    No problems dude! If you need further protection (where the plots shall be located) I would recommend setting up a protective plot, I made a nice guide for this yesterday in my first post of this topic. A protective plot cannot be claimed and basically does the same thing as worldguard but allow it self to have plots in it and allow users to build in those. The only downside is that you can't block TNT, fire etc. with a protective area. Might add such features later on though :)
  21. Offline


    Im sorry to look ignorant here. But i can't find out how to get the diamond selector tool.
  22. Offline


    You need to either switch your gamemode to creative and get the diamond from there or type the command '/give mshax085 264' from the console.
  23. Offline


    Ok i figured the diamond out, But now i get this error whenever i try to make a plot forsale. It says in red letters.
    Could not generate sign at plots middleposition!
    The ground is either too low or too high!
    And heres how i have my plot set from the side view
    DGGGGGGGGGD D= the postion of the corner i selected using the diamond G=grass
  24. Offline


    I explained this scenario pretty well in my first post (in the information spoiler). The plugin calculate the Y-height between the two selections you make and if you only mark the red wool on this image the plot will only cover the grass layer. To make it higher you must either make a pole at one side and then define the height of the plot that way. You can also use the second creation command where you define the lowest Y and the highest Y position. /plot create plot13 0 255, this command would make the plot stretch from bedrock all the way up to the highest breakable block. (0 = The bottom Y position of the plot, 255 = the highest Y position of the plot in this example).
  25. Offline


    I'm feeling fairly stupid, on a significant level.

    Is there a way to set permissions so non-Ops can use the diamondselector, create, and put up for sale? I saw the permissions part, but I'm not sure what to do with those commands - edit them into the config?
  26. Offline


    A staff member must setup the plots so other players can buy those later on. You can enable a player to use the commands and tools by giving them the permission. I can't explain this so much further right now as I'm moving all my plugins to BukkitDev.
  27. Offline


    Really good update MsHax085! Now it works quite well too but i got one problem, the protection outside of plots is server wide and i use more than one world, some which i don't want to have this protection on. I saw that you added Protective plot but there is no global variable on that.

    And as said earlier, WG global region protection won't work alongside it either, it won't be overwritten by yours. :l
  28. Offline


    So what you're saying is I can give out permissions to individuals, or can I set a group permission that I can add players into? Otherwise, I can set up properties for now - was just hoping to streamline it to let "trusted" players create and claim/sell. D: Otherwise, I appreciate the hell out of your work on this, and your user support.
  29. Offline


    You want to protect the area outside the plots in one world, am I right? I should make that a feature in the next update. Thanks for letting me know about it :D
    Yes of course you can give the permission to certain people or groups. This can easily be done with any plugin, here is an example At the moment anyone can use the player commands which his claim/declaim/addmember/removemember/list and version, there are no permission nodes for those. Neighter the sign sell/buy system.
    I'll make sure to add more permissions in the next update though, thanks for pointing it out :)
  30. Offline


    Oh ok, so like in worldguard how you make a large region with smaller plots in it, parenting they call it. cool cool. and yea i'll do that, I'll need too with the setup I have going. If you're interested, I can show you what it is I am doing on the server. : )

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