Eclipse Juno + Maven + CraftBukkit, a plugin project template

Discussion in 'Resources' started by nickguletskii, Aug 4, 2012.

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    I made this plugin project template so that you can just skip the messy process of setting up compilation, packaging and easy testing of your plugin. The following step-by-step will help you make use of my plugin project template. It assumes that you have Eclipse Juno and Maven 3 already downloaded and unpacked somewhere.

    1. Make sure that your PATH environment variable points to Maven's bin directory.
    2. Make sure that JAVA_HOME points to your JDK's base directory.
    3. Make sure you have a local copy of my template. You can achieve that by either cloning it from github, or by downloading a zip (which you will need to extract).
    4. Launch Eclipse. Place the PluginTemplate directory into your workspace directory. Go into File -> Import. You will need to select Maven -> Existing Maven Projects in the tree and click next. Set your root directory to the place where you cloned/extracted the PluginTemplate directory. Select /PluginTemplate/pom.xml... from the projects list, hit finish.
    5. Right click on PluginTemplate in Project Explorer, press Maven->Update Project..., hit OK.
    6. Go into File -> Import. Now, select Run/Debug -> Launch Configurations. Click Browse... and browse to the project directory. Tick "PluginTemplate" and press Finish.
    7. Now go to Run->Run Configurations..., follow the tree to Java Application -> Run Craftbukkit and press Run.
    8. VoilĂ , CraftBukkit has started. You can stop it like any java application. Your plugin will be automatically compiled and packaged into a jar. You can now rename things and develop your plugin.
    1. Add remote debugging
    Hope you find this useful! Feel free to fork, etc... :)
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    Moved to Resources.
    nickguletskii likes this.
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    Thank you. Posted in Plugin Development on accident.
  4. Offline


    Is it ok if I use your template as the template in an eclipse plugin that I'm making that adds a bukkit plugin project to eclipse?
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    What a nice template!!!!!
    You really saved me.

    (But your instruction was not easy for me coz it was the first time using Maven in Eclipse.)
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