Connection Reset spam

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by james mccarthy, Jul 25, 2012.

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    james mccarthy

    Well all the consol always does this
    13:55:43 [INFO] Connection reset
    13:55:44 [INFO] Connection reset
    13:55:46 [INFO] Connection reset
    13:55:46 [INFO] Connection reset
    14:07:49 [INFO] Connection reset
    14:07:49 [INFO] Connection reset
    14:07:51 [INFO] Connection reset
    14:07:51 [INFO] Connection reset
    14:20:01 [INFO] Connection reset
    14:20:01 [INFO] Connection reset
    14:20:04 [INFO] Connection reset
    it doesnt effect the server but its really anoyying would like some help if you dont mind me saying
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    that happens when someone logs out or if something changes. it just shows they logged out propery and the server resests its connection
  3. WRONG!!!
    This stupid message is repeating itself every single minute in the console! I ONLY HAVE 13 PLAYERS! Nobody is logging out!
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    plugin list plz

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