getServer().getOnlinePlayers() with a static function?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Zettelkasten, Jul 20, 2012.

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    Hey guys!

    I got a problem with my plugin. My goal is that my PlayerListener (onPlayerJoin) is able to get all the online players in a Playerarray.
    The problem is: I cannot use "MyPlugin.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()" in "onPlayerJoin(..)".
    But how shall I get it then?
    Would be wonderful if you know an answer.. (sitting now 2 hours on this :()

    Thank you for help,

  2. Bukkit.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()
    mayby is that the solution, the next time, look at the javadocs, dont forget to import it
    Zettelkasten likes this.
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    Thank you for helping me n00b :)

    JavaDocs looks pretty cool - will use this the next time when I have such a problem!
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    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    Your player join monitoring method should not be static. In fact, if you're so new to java that you don't know how to access non-static elements within a static method you really shouldn't be doing anything static yet ;)
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    Okay, I see. But why does it count as an error in Eqlipse when I just do MyPlugin.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()?
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    Because getServer() is'nt static in MyPlugin, you need an instance of MyPlugin in a variable to use that method. (It is static on Bukkit.getServer())
    Zettelkasten likes this.
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