[REQ]Plot Management PHP (-> PlotMe) script[FORMATTED]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by webcraft, Jul 6, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Support/Plot Management

    Suggested name: Plot Manager

    A bit about me:
    I'm the owner of MCBuild (700 Slots, 20 active player, no donors, :(). I'm going to make the game as easy as possible for newbiest and anvanced players. They shouldn't loose their time in annoying things like making requests, justify every step on do...

    What I want:
    • A plugin which allow you to buy a plot at the server website (e.g. WebAuction Style/intergration) and tp you to this plot ingame. This plot should be automated protected to the player who buys it. I'd prefer to use PlotMe as plot-system...
    • Secondly, a big Moderator base where they can sort the plots and manage users.
    • Thirdly, automatically plot clearing and for sell putting system for inactive players.
    • Fourthly, automated update system, which update and order the towns every 5mins.
    • Fifthly, a automated plot clear system of all LWC's.
    • Sixly, a section to manage the friends and permissions for them.

    Ideas for commands:

    Ideas for permissions:
    • 'plotmg.buy' permissions to buy a plot at the webstore
    • 'plotmg.sell' to put up for sell a plot at the webstore
    • 'plotmg.tp' to teleport to your own plot
    • 'plotmg.tp.other' to tp to other plots (moderators)
    • 'plotmg.admin' have all permissions

    When I'd like it by: Asap.

    Similar plugin requests: Plot Manager (2nd request)

    Devs who might be interested in this: None of my Knowledge, sry.
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  4. Offline


    PlotMe has economy since Friday but I don't know how easy it would be to implement that.
  5. Offline


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  7. Offline


    Well use BuyCraft? I don't know PlotMe but surely you can use the command part to give them a plot and TP them too it as well?
    Peter Bui likes this.
  8. Yes kezz101 your right just use that.
  9. Offline


    Awwww yeah :D
  10. Offline


    PlotMe already has economy integration and teleport command(s) (plotme home, plotme tp)
  11. Offline


    Yes but he wants to be able to buy these from a website. Which is what BuyCraft does
  12. Offline


    Yes but what's this about teleporting then?
  13. Offline


    When they buy the rank, they get teleported to their plot
  14. Offline


    I don't think the PlotMe command system is good enough for this, things would need to be added.
  15. Offline


    Fair enough! I'm not willing to undertake this project, just putting my two cents in :)
  16. Offline


    I think you miss understood me.
    I just want a PHP script for displaying money and if sb bough a plot by clicking "Buy Plot" he get auto teleported to this plot. Means if the players is ingame it'll excute the command /plotme auto. Nothing more atm.
  17. Offline


    And how would you intend to do it in code?
    I think best would be to do it like this :

    - User clicks what he wants to buy (say, plot coord 10;15)
    - Website talks to server and gives that player temporarily plotme.admin.tp and plotme.use.claim
    - Server makes the player do /plotme tp 10;15
    - Server moves the player 2 blocks forward into the plot (I think it's like X +2)
    - Server makes the player execute /plotme claim
    - Server removes plotme.admin.tp and plotme.use.claim
  18. Offline


    But it would be much easier to use /plotme auto as excuted command, because you don't need to give and remove perms.
  19. Offline


    PlotMe auto won't let the user choose his plot. I thought that was your plans, to click on an empty plot to buy it.
  20. Offline


    Yes, but the beta script should look like this.

    If you'd expand (release script) it, is yours probably more useful. This could also work with DynMap by clicking on an empty plot and then on an icon to buy it...
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  23. Offline


    Locked due to excessive bumping.

    You don't need 700 slots if you have 20 active players.
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