How much could this server hold?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Recolance, Jun 30, 2012.

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    How many plugins, players, ect could this server hold. And what would its performance be like? Lag, cpu and ram usage? Here are specs:

    CPU: Intel Xeon E3-1270, 4 cores, 8 threads
    RAM: 32GB DDR3 ECC
    HDD: 500GB SATA
    Uplink Speed: 100mbps
    OS: Windows x64 2008 Web Edition
    Bandwidth: 5TB

    This would cost me $160 monthly which isn't a big deal, cheaper than what I have now and better. Specs are from, the server I want to buy. Asking bukkit forums first though, for opinions. My server currently holds about 90 people before lag spikes occour, I have 37 plugins (need em all), Help me out please?
  2. Offline


    if you got a 1GB/S connection, 100 easily
    If you have that kind of money...please feel free to look at my signature :p
  3. Offline


    Yep thats a very big cookie jar you can handle man i am jealous.
    BMX_ATVMAN14 likes this.
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    Thanks for the reccomendation to these guys at limestone in my last thread. Honestly, cheaper than hell, adn the reviews are promising!
    BMX_ATVMAN14 likes this.
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    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2016
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    Umm this is in the wrong thread try to get a mod to move it.
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