setFoodLevel() help

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Whatshiywl, Jun 30, 2012.

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    So I'v got a plugin that sets the player's FoodLevel when they move withing a region. I use player.setFoodLevel(int arg) for that. however, it seems that when the player is outside this region, his food level freezes and even when i remove that plugin completly, the player's food level remains unchanged, no matter how much i walk/sprint/jump. do i have to issue any kind of "stop" for the setFoodLevel()? because it now seems to be the only way the player food level is changing. If code or any extra info is needed, i'll be happy to give it.

    thanks in advance! \o/
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    @Theodossis what's an array list? D: sorry i just started dealing with plugins -.-
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    It is basically one variable that holds numerous other variables. In other words, its a LIST of variables in a particular ARRAY order.
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    @sayaad right i think i got the idea. but how would that solve this problem? D:
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